Waverlywellness - Louise Pascoe, trained Nutritional Therapist and Bioresonance Practitioner.
Bioresonance is also know as vibrational medicine or electrodermal testing. Although this technology is cutting-edge, its science is rooted a fundamentally primitive principle i.e. that everything on earth has a resonating frequency.
It can scan all your organs and systems It can show the level of nutrients and micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, candida etc.
The scan is non invasive and comfortable. Special headphones will be placed over your head and these pick up the bodies various frequencies selected by the consultant, via your brain using laser technology. You can watch this scanning process live on a laptop in front of you. The scan and consultation will last around 90 minutes.
Bioresonance and Nutritional Therapy work synergistically with each other. By using both therapies together, one can gain a reliable diagnostic strategy as well as developing a personal and individualised programme to improve lifestyle and health.
Book an appointment today with Louise and take a step closer to a new, more vibrant and thriving you. Initial consultation is for 60 minutes and costs £40.00. Follow up appointments to assess progress take 45 minutes and cost £30.00. Bioresonance Technology Body Scan is available to new clients at the promotional offer of £79.00. Skype appointments are available for your convenience.
Insured member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists.